This project stems from a recent trip into the heart of the uKhahlamba-Drakensberg mountains, a world heritage site located in the KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa. However, I never intended to climb the mountains, but rather to photograph a few of the people who, for generations, have called the foothills of this majestic escarpment their home.

I had contacted the Cathedral Peak Hotel — an establishment providing a means of living for many of the people in this region — several months before my visit in order to request permission to photograph those members of staff willing to have their portraits taken.

I wanted to give my sitters a voice; give them a chance to express themselves. I wanted to make them feel proud of who they are.
This project stems from a recent trip into the heart of the uKhahlamba-Drakensberg mountains, a world heritage site located in the KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa. However, I never intended to climb the mountains, but rather to photograph a few of the people who, for generations, have called the foothills of this majestic escarpment their home.

I had contacted the Cathedral Peak Hotel — an establishment providing a means of living for many of the people in this region — several months before my visit in order to request permission to photograph those members of staff willing to have their portraits taken.

I wanted to give my sitters a voice; give them a chance to express themselves. I wanted to make them feel proud of who they are.